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volume reduction中文是什么意思

用"volume reduction"造句"volume reduction"怎么读"volume reduction" in a sentence


  • 容积减小


  • Lung volume reduction surgery
  • Lung volume reduction surgery of treatment of spontaneous pneumothorax combined chronic obstructive emphysema
  • Secondary endpoints were changes in pain , bulk - related complaints , and uterine and dominant fibroid volume reduction
  • Fresh food production plants ; vegetable waste volume reduction devices ; design , production and installation of other various industrial machinery
  • The concept behind this is that the ebv would allow secretions from the targeted lung segment to escape , but air would not be able to get into the targeted lung . the resultant collapse would be equivalent to lung volume reduction surgery but without the trauma associated with surgery . we have so far performed this procedure in 21 patients with no operative deaths
  • Lung volume reduction surgery was advocated ten years ago as the treatment for some of the patients with advanced emphysema who are already on maximal medical therapy . the theory behind this operation is that by removing the most emphysematous parts of the lungs , respiratory mechanics would improve
    十年前,肺减容手术( lungvolumereductionsurgery )被视为是对部份已接受最大剂量药物治疗的晚期肺气肿病人的可行治疗方法;手术是通过切除肺气肿病变最严重的部份肺组织,从而使呼吸功能得到改善。
  • This algorithm will be used to solve the hmb design problem . the hmb design is divided into six procedures , which are channel check , lineweb connection , network connection , shape interference check , volume reduction and layout design . the mathematical model and application algorithm of each procedure are given
用"volume reduction"造句  


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